Golden bootleg
Scientific name: Phaeolepiota
Golden bootleg
Scientific name: Phaeolepiota
Photo By Andreas Kunze , used under CC-BY-SA-3.0 /Cropped and compressed from original
Golden bootleg are fungi known for their distinctive golden to yellow-brown colors, often found in coniferous forests. These mushrooms exhibit a unique, velvety surface on their caps and stems. They contribute to the forest ecosystem by breaking down organic matter and returning vital nutrients to the soil. Some species within golden bootleg group feature striking, cottony veils that create a dramatic appearance in natural settings.
Species of Golden bootleg
Photo By Andreas Kunze , used under CC-BY-SA-3.0 /Cropped and compressed from original
Scientific Classification
Club fungi Class
Mushroom-forming fungi Order
Gilled fungi Family
Agaricaceae Genus
Golden bootleg