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Field blewit

A species of Blewits
Scientific name : Lepista personata Genus : Blewits

Field blewit, A species of Blewits
Scientific name: Lepista personata
Genus: Blewits
Field blewit (Lepista personata) Photo By Gerhard Koller (Gerhard) , used under CC-BY-SA-3.0 /Cropped and compressed from original


As the common name implies, fruitbodies of the field blewit (Lepista personata) can often be found in clusters or fairy rings in areas of open grassland. Their thick, creamy caps start off domed and morph into concave goblets as they age. Consumption of this mushroom has been reported to cause gastric distress.
The field blewit can be found in woodland edges and grassy areas such as pastures, fields, and parks. It grows on the ground, in calcareous soil, and it often forms arches or so-called "fairy rings".
* Disclaimer: Content feedback CAN NOT be used as any basis for EATING ANY PLANTS. Some plants can be VERY POISONOUS, please purchase edible plants through regular channels.

General Info


Field blewit is considered a good edible and is said to be similar to tripe when cooked. It has many culinary uses and should always be cooked, but some people do have an allergic reaction to it. Field blewit can be sauteed in butter, added to a cream sauce, or used as a tripe substitute.


The field blewit can be found in woodland edges and grassy areas such as pastures, fields, and parks. It grows on the ground, in calcareous soil, and it often forms arches or so-called "fairy rings".

Growth Form


Sporocarp Height

4 inches

Cap Diameter

5 inches

Endangered Species





On soil


Odor strongly perfumed; taste pleasant

Spore Print

Pale pinkish cream

Species Status


Distribution Area

Northern America,Europe,North Africa,northern Asia

How to identify it?

Similar Species

Field blewit (Lepista personata) Field blewit (Lepista personata) Photo By Gerhard Koller (Gerhard) , used under CC-BY-SA-3.0 /Cropped and compressed from original
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