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Surprise webcap

A species of Cortinar, Also known as Red-gilled webcap
Scientific name : Cortinarius semisanguineus Genus : Cortinar

Surprise webcap, A species of Cortinar
Also known as:
Red-gilled webcap
Scientific name: Cortinarius semisanguineus
Genus: Cortinar
Surprise webcap (Cortinarius semisanguineus) Photo By Luridiformis , used under CC-BY-3.0 /Cropped and compressed from original


The subdued yellow or beige caps of the surprise webcap (Cortinarius semisanguineus) do indeed hide a surprise - underneath the cap, this mushroom boasts gorgeous, ruby or maroon-red gills. While not considered edible, the surprise webcap is still sought-after - it can be used to produce a deep and lovely red-brown dye.
The surprise webcap is primarily found in coniferous forests, including spruce plantations, and some mixed woodlands. Fruitbodies grow up from the ground, often in mossy areas, above the roots of a host conifer tree. This fungus feeds in a symbiotic relationship with the tree’s roots, helping it absorb water and nutrients while the tree provides it sugars and amino acids.
* Disclaimer: Content feedback CAN NOT be used as any basis for EATING ANY PLANTS. Some plants can be VERY POISONOUS, please purchase edible plants through regular channels.

General Info


Surprise webcap potentially contains dangerous toxins that could be harmful if consumed. It closely resembles certain red Cortinarius species known to contain the toxin orellanine, which can damage human kidneys and liver. Determining precise species within the Cortinarius genus is challenging due to its vastness and overlapping characteristics. Found mycorrhizal with conifers, especially pines, it's commonly seen alone or scattered, often in moss, during summer and fall across North America.


The surprise webcap is primarily found in coniferous forests, including spruce plantations, and some mixed woodlands. Fruitbodies grow up from the ground, often in mossy areas, above the roots of a host conifer tree. This fungus feeds in a symbiotic relationship with the tree’s roots, helping it absorb water and nutrients while the tree provides it sugars and amino acids.

Growth Form

Mycorrhizal; solitary, scattered

Sporocarp Height

4 inches

Cap Diameter

2 inches

Endangered Species





On soil


Mild or radishlike

Spore Print

Rusty brown

Species Status

Widely distributed

Distribution Area

North America,Europe

How to identify it?

Surprise webcap (Cortinarius semisanguineus) Surprise webcap (Cortinarius semisanguineus) Photo By Luridiformis , used under CC-BY-3.0 /Cropped and compressed from original
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