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Fly agaric

Amanita muscaria

A species of Amanita mushrooms

In Northern Asia and Europe, fly agaric grows under trees near the winter solstice and is collected for ritual use tied to the season. Its characteristic shape and coloring are still ubiquitous in many European fairy tale illustrations and Christmas traditions. It is highly toxic.

Cap Diameter
Cap Diameter:

10 - 20 cm


Mildly mushroomy but not distinctive.

General Info About Fly agaric
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Attributes of Fly agaric
Cap Diameter
10 - 20 cm
8 - 30 cm
Cap 10 - 20 cm across; convex to flat; scarlet; surface smooth, with veil remnants and small, white dots
Cap Shape
Convex, Flat
Cap Surfaces
Warted, Slimy or slightly sticky, Visible lines or stripes
Free; crowded; white
Gill Attachment
Stem 10 - 25 cm long, 1.5 - 2 cm thick; white
Stem Shapes
Stem Surfaces
Stem Cross Sections
Hollow or cottony hollow
Thick; white; turns yellow when exposed
On the stem base; egg sack like
On the stem; crumbly floccose, dissociated; white
With Ring
Spore Print Color
Mildly mushroomy but not distinctive.
Body Color
Flesh Bruises
The flesh or milk does not discolor when bruised or cut.
Growth Form
Nutrient Gathering
On soil
You can find Fly agaric by these plants:
Subalpine fir, Quaking aspen, Big-tooth aspen, Engelmann spruce, Eastern white pine, Monterey pine, Pitch pine, Red pine
Occurence Habitats
Coniferous Woodland, Mixed Woodland
Species Status
Widely distributed
Endangered Species

How to Identify Fly agaric

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Habitat of Fly agaric
The fly agaric species grows beneath trees of all types, especially birches, pines, and spruces. It feeds in a symbiotic relationship with the tree’s roots, helping it absorb water and nutrients while the tree provides it sugars and amino acids.
Distribution Area of Fly agaric
North America, Europe, North Africa, Central America, northern Asia; introduced in Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, and South America.
Uses of Fly agaric
Fly agaric has a storied history of use in shamanic and spiritual practices due to its hallucinogenic properties. Its psychoactive compounds make it popular for ceremonial purposes within legal and cultural boundaries. Collection is subject to local laws given its potential dangers. Fly agaric must be approached with caution, as consumption can pose significant health risks. Legal status and safety are paramount when considering the use of this mushroom.
Interesting Story of Fly agaric
Many people are familiar with fly agaric because it was once featured in a game named Super Mario. In the game, if a player eats this little mushroom, he doubles in size, has greater attack power and faster walking speed. In real life, on the other hand, fly agaric doesn't cause physical changes but just hallucinogenic. Thinking about getting bigger and stronger is one of those hallucinations.
Name Story of Fly agaric
Previously fly agaric was made into small pieces and put in milk. It was said to attract flies by its aroma, and its toxicity could kill them.
Scientific Classification of Fly agaric
Toxicity and Edibility of Fly agaric
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Is Fly agaric Toxic?
Fly agaric is a neurotoxic fungus, with effects including abdominal pain, confusion, and severe changes in heart rate. It possesses distinct morphological features that differentiate it from non-toxic variants. It is typically found in varying ecosystems across different seasons. Consumption is not advised as it can lead to life-threatening outcomes.
Toxins type
Ibotenic acid, Muscazone, Muscimol
Type of poisoning
Toxic Severity
High toxicity
Incubation Period
0.25-3 hours
Poisoning Symptoms
Symptoms include dilated pupils, abdominal pain, muscle twitches, confusion, dizziness, and dry skin. Severe symptoms encompass hallucinations, seizures, extreme changes in heart rate, and potentially life-threatening respiratory or cardiac arrest.
Is Fly agaric Toxic to Dogs?
All parts of the fly agaric mushroom are highly toxic to dogs, resulting in seizures and high body temperatures which are often fatal. Other symptoms include vomiting and diarrhea. Fly agaric poses significant risks to canines because it gives off a fishy odor that they find attractive.
Similar Species to Fly agaric
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How to Differentiate Between Sunshine amanita and Fly agaric?
Fly agaric: White spots may wash off with rain.

Sunshine amanita: White spots are more persistent, less likely to wash off.
How to Differentiate Between False Caesar's mushroom and Fly agaric?
Fly agaric: Features a bulbous base with several concentric rings.

False Caesar's mushroom: Stem base is less bulbous with fewer rings.
How to Differentiate Between Gemmed amanita and Fly agaric?
Fly agaric: Base of the stem is bulbous and may have several concentric rings.

Gemmed amanita: Base of the stem is bulbous, often with fewer or no concentric rings.
Tips for Finding Fly agaric
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When is the Best Time to Find Fly agaric
Search for fly agaric during late summer to fall when temperatures drop. Look after rainfall when the ground is damp but not waterlogged. Mild days with high humidity are typically best for foraging these mushrooms.
What are the Ideal Soil Conditions for Fly agaric
Prefers moist, well-drained and acidic soils.
What are Some Tips for Finding Fly agaric
  • Locate forested areas with a mix of birch, pine, or spruce trees, as fly agaric frequently grow beneath them.
  • Inspect clearings and edges of wooded areas, as fly agaric often appear in these transitional spaces.
  • Search for areas with ground debris such as fallen leaves and needles; fly agaric may be found among such natural mulch.
  • Keep an eye out for rings or clusters of mushrooms, as fly agaric occasionally grows in these formations.
  • Investigate well-lit spots within forested areas since fly agaric requires light for optimal growth.
How to Clean and Preserve Fly agaric
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How to Clean Fly agaric
Gently wipe fly agaric with a soft, damp cloth to remove debris. Avoid excessive pressure to maintain integrity. If white flakes are present on the cap, they may wash off naturally; avoid forcefully removing them. Ensure to clean fly agaric shortly after harvesting to minimize discoloration from air exposure.
Tips on Dry Preservation of Fly agaric
Drying Methods
Dehydrator Drying, Oven Drying, Air Drying
Drying Duration
6 - 12 months
Store in airtight containers, in a cool, dark, and dry place with minimal humidity.
Dehydrator drying: Ensures consistent air flow and temperature control, preventing mold.
Oven drying: Provides a stable low-temperature environment for moisture removal.
Air drying: Utilizes natural air circulation in a dry, warm, and shaded area for evaporation.
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